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Where the Voices, Ideas and Insights that are Shaping the Future of the Automotive Aftermarket Reside.


The Power of a Great Supply Partner Relationship [AW 076]

Implementing EOS with Barry Barrett: Four Shop Owners Share Their Success [RR 686]

Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]

We Are Signal Intelligence Specialists – Gary Smith [RR 685]

Tina Erickson on Brand Equity and Tour of Her Shop [AW 075]

Creating Lifetime Customers – Brittany Schindler [RR 684]

Service Advisor Role Play #6 [THA 245]

Growing Pains When Scaling Your Business [RR 683]

Are You Going To AAPEX 2021? [CC 098]

Guest Host and Shop Tour with Fred Gestwicki, Jr [AW 074]

Why Can’t Every Shop Owner Be Profitable? [RR 682]

Addition by Subtraction: Letting Someone Go [THA 244]

Amazing Women in Automotive [RR 681]

A Tribute to Bob Greenwood – [Bonus 12]

Craig Noel on Recruiting Students to the Trade [AW 073]

Catching Up With Your Mentor [RR 680]

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

Profit Strategies with Natalie Paris [RR 679]

Michael Gallini and Shop Tour with Kristi Hudson [AW 072]

Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – Charging What We Are Worth [Bonus 11]

Succession Planning Blueprint – Bryan Stasch [RR 677]

Mitch Schneider and Shop Tour with John Constantin [AW 071]

Job Expectations: Boomers vs Millennials [RR 676]

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

Apprentice Journey – High School to Graduate [RR 675]

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – We are an Industry to be Proud and Rivaled [Bonus 10]

Sam Craven and Lee Forman [AW 070]

Social Media 101: Lead Gen, IOS Changes, Boosting [RR 674]

I Want $1 Million For My Business [THA 240]

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

Rob Merwin and Charlie Marcotte [AW 069]

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles [RR 672]

Trends – Aftermarket Round Table [THA 239]

Creating a Culture of Productivity – Scott Brown [RR 671]

Behind the Scenes: New Shop Retrofit/Remodel [CC 097]

Rena Rennebohm and Carl Hutchinson [AW 068]

Mental Toughness – Maryann Croce [RR 670]

Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]

Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Steve Finzel and Sara & Chad Kooiman [AW 067]

Mergers and Acquisitions Explained – Rick Schwartz [RR 668]

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic [THA 237]

Dealer Technicians Build Shop Partnership [RR 667]

Brittany Schindler and Bruce Howes [AW 066]

EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]

Second in Command – A COO/GM Perspective [THA 236]

Social Media Marketing to Technicians – Kim and Brian Walker [RR 665]

Aaron Woods and Shop Tour with Emily Chung [AW 065]