Where the Voices, Ideas and Insights that are helping to Advance the Future of the Automotive Repair Industry Reside.


Unlocking Technician Earning Potential [RR 842]

Why Dressing Professionally Matters in the Shop and Beyond [THA 324]

Protecting Gross Profit: The Emotional Intelligence Approach [RR 841]

Closed All 10 Locations for Company Summit [AW 153]

Crush Your Fears and Build a Sustainable Business [RR 840]

Alignments Taking Longer: Are We Charging Enough? [THA 323]

Mastering the Art of Dealing with Difficult Customers [RR 839]

Unlock the Power of Indeed Resume to Find Technicians Faster [AW 152]

Technology Horizon, Do You See It? [RR 838]

How to Create a Leadership Culture [THA 322]

From Luscious Garage to Earthling Automotive: A Rebranding Journey [RR 837]

Where is Car Count Heading? Catching Up with Greg Bunch [AW 151]

The Automotive Industry: Does the Public Really Know What We Do? [RR 836]

Technician Round Table: Mobile Technicians [THA 321]

Shop Owner is a Coach and Her Clients’ Biggest Cheerleader [RR 835]

Newly Purchased ADAS Calibration Equipment [AW 150]

The Ebb and Flow of Being a Wife and Business Partner [RR 834]

Going Electric in California [THA 320]

Job of a Trainer Isn’t a Job, It’s a Lifestyle [RR 833]

Delivering Amazing Customer Experience is Taught, Not Assumed [AW 149]

First Ever General Service Technician Academy at Vision KC [RR 832]

Managing Comebacks and Quality Control [THA 319]

“Profitable Fleet Management for Small and Medium Businesses” Bill Deboer [RR 831]

Internal Company App Gets the Word Out [AW 148]

Technology, Network, Systems and Software: Understand the Why and How [RR 830]

Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]

Resilience in Your Commitment to Succeed [RR 829]

Survey Says: Stress Level, Why Reject a Technician Application, Health Insurance and More! [AW 147]

Why Elminating Waiting Appointments and Closing Saturday Changed My Business [RR 828]

Using My Dashboard to Find Trends [THA 317]

Stop Stopping Progress [RR 827]

4 Day Work Week and Our Own App [AW 146]

Forecasting Your Future [RR 826]

Surviving a Health Scare [THA 316]

A Crisis is Rarely a Motivator for Change: Why Wait? – Chip Eichelberger [RR 825]

An Update: Mobile Diag and Training [AW 145]

What is OSHA Looking For? Ignorance is Not an Excuse. [RR 824]

Prepare Your Business for Sale [THA 315]

Will You Give 10 Hours to an Auto Tech Student? [RR 823]

Which Scan Tool Should I Buy? Vision Hi-Tech & Expo 2023 [AW 144]

Don’t Base Your Success On Probability – Ken Zanders [RR 822]

Core Values: Know Them, Live Them [THA 314]

Building Better Team Members by Building Better People – Matt Lachowitzer [RR 821]

Right to Repair Momentum – Rob Merwin [AW 143]

How to Give Critical Feedback – Dr. David Weiman [RR 820]

Aftermarket Radio Network 2023 Forecast [THA 313]

Learning How To Grow: Ready for Shop #2 – Nichole Bennecoff [RR 819]

Benefits of Toastmasters – Craig O’Neill [AW 142]

Being Married to a Shop Owner: Spouse Perspective [RR 818]

Service Advisor Overload: Part 2 [THA 312]